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> echo $Projects

Pass Lock

A password manager that stores and generates strong passwords.

React, Node.js, Express.js PostgresQL, Bcryptjs, Cryptojs

Raspberry Pi Security Camera

Homemade security camera using a PIR sensor and the Raspberry Pi Camera Module to capture images when movement is detected.

Node (w/ Express.js & PM2), Socket.io, Python 3, Bash, HTML/CSS

View more on Github

> echo $About_Me

Full Stack Web Developer with over a year of experience in web development. I have experience in Full Stack technologies for building websites and applications with React, Nodejs, Javascript, HTML/CSS, SQL and noSQL databases (MySQL, PostgresQL, and MongoDB).

Known as a great communicator and a team player motivated to help the team reach their goal whilst keeping a positive and enriching environment. Positioned to provide unique perspectives with user experience and people management in a fast-paced, quality-driven team to build cutting-edge web applications and software platforms.

Would like to know more about me? Find more info in my resume.

View more on LinkedIn